The INSIS in "Horizon 2020"
An important involvement in the European Framework Programme Horizon 2020
The INSIS laboratories participate actively in the European Horizon 2020 framework programme and thus contribute to the construction of the European Research Area. On the three pillars of H2020, Scientific Excellence and Industrial Primacy and Societal Challenges, the INSIS has been particularly involved in calls to tender under pillar 1, notably the ERC and MSCA calls, with a very good success rate.
An ERC unit set up in 2014 works with units and researchers to inform, identify and support potential candidates. Since the beginning of H2020, this ERC unit has organized mock oral sessions in preparation for the hearing in Brussels for the Consolidator and Starting calls. Since 2014, the start of H2020, it has accompanied approximately 90 researchers and lecturer-researchers in their preparation for the Brussels oral examinations. Forty-six of these candidates obtained their ERC award.
To help it in its mission, the ERC unit relies on the network of ERC-INSIS prize winners that was created in 2015 (more than 70 researchers).

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